Personal space
Be aware that people and cars are going to be very very close to you
There is way more people always outside compared to Hawaii
Especially during rush hours when people go to work and go home
It can be as much as shoulder to shoulder and front to back
There may even be occasions when there is obviously enough space to be pretty far apart but they will still be close to you
I think they may just be used to be in close proximity to people
Especially going during SNU’s “rush hours” [following bullet points will just be in regards to SNU, skip to “You will notice people stand very close in lines” bullet point if not applicable]
Classes in certain departments tend to have same days and times
If living at Naejari Oneroometel (very close to SNU)
All busses are smaller than Hawaii’s
You will always see the bus packed more than you can ever imagine
Shoulder to shoulder, back to front, no space is wasted
It will not get emptier in time before your class
If there is a spot that fits a human and/or the bus driver opens the doors to you, just go in
Means bus driver also thinks you can make it in
Only in this case that it is very packed, you can enter either through front or back doors, also depending on which door the bus driver opens and/or if the bus driver opens the doors
It is surprising but I got used to it
Bus balance tip: holding onto poles are more stable than handles and slightly bend knees
If taking bus at the bus stops close to SNU station (subway) for class and during SNU “rush hours”
Designated bus stops and lines for busses
5511 (goes to business school)
Lines will be very long
Most you would have to wait is for your specific bus to come by and take people in 2 times
Recommend lining up a little earlier due to that delay
It will eventually get very packed as I had mentioned previously
If living at Naejari Oneroomtel, you can walk to campus if it is too much to handle
I knew people who lived in my same building who would just walk to school
Does take a lot more time than bussing
Around 20 minutes to get to business building
Around 10 minutes to business building by bus
The more you go in the bus to go to school, the more you just get used to it and get less phased by how packed it gets
Only pros:
Since the bus stop close to Naejari Oneroomtel is one of the last stops before entering campus, you are placed the closest to the exit, meaning you have more access to hold on to the poles on the side or door handles (instead of being at the spots without access to holding onto anything)
If entering the bus by the bus stops by the SNU subway station, I personally found it better to try place myself close to the exit spot or a place where you can hold onto something
You can sit if there is a spot, but getting off the bus may take longer and you have to get through the people still staying in the bus
Takes 10 minutes to get to classes
You will notice people stand very close in lines
If you leave too much space, someone could take that space a.k.a cut in front
So you should actually stand close too
Cars and taxis driving ways
I always thought taxis drive as if they are in a video game
Drive very fast and maybe even rough
Cars do honk more often there
Cars also go very close to the crosswalk/pedestrians
Roads are narrow
In places where there is no formal sidewalk
Cars will also be very close to you
So many hills everywhere
Most steep I’ve ever seen
Not an exaggeration
Especially SNU area since we are by the mountain
Prepare your legs for the workout
People don't steal
Really nice to not worry about and be at ease for once
You’ll see peoples things just left alone
People mind their own business
There are even self serve stores (no workers)
I also saw a tiktok experiment where someone left airpods on the floor in the afternoon at a popular shopping area (Hongdae), it was still in the same spot at night.
Some etiquettes that are here but not there are
Most of the time would not say “excuse me” when trying to pass through
Often just nudge their way through
If they really can get through, they will often say “jamkkanmanyo” or “jamshimanyo”
Not saying “bless you” after someone sneezes
Not holding the door open for strangers behind you
I know it can be easy to take personally if not known beforehand so, don’t take too personally since it can be quite normal there
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